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Welcome to PWD(R&B) Department

Development of quality and extensive road network in Jammu & Kashmir is vital, given the topography of the UT and limited scope for development of alternate means of transportation. A well-developed network of roads is necessary not only for the economic development of the UT but for its social, political and cultural development. It is required to exploit rich natural wealth of the UT, to develop indigenous industries, to explore new markets for its products and to promote tourism.

PW(R&B) Department is mandated to develop a robust road network. To this effect the Department has been focusing on construction of new roads, maintenance and upgradation of already existing roads, construction of bridges and culverts and connecting habitations/ villages with the network of roads. Major thrust is being given to the schemes envisaging road connectivity to inaccessible and difficult areas for equitable development of Jammu & Kashmir.

The Department also extends technical support to other Government Departments and acts as executing agency for their projects. It remains the endeavour of the Department to construct eco-friendly and cost effective Government buildings.

R&B Department is in charge of all activities pertaining to Planning, Construction and maintenance of all categories of Roads, Bridges and major infrastructural Buildings of all Government Departments viz Health, Education , Judiciary and Revenue, etc in Kashmir province. These activities constitute a vital component of developmental works in the State of Jammu and Kashmir.

The Road Network of R&B Kashmir consists of:

- National Highways.
- State Highways.
- Major District Roads.
- Other District Roads.

The PMGSY Programme, which is 100% centrally sponsored, was launched in the country in Dec. 2000 and extended to our state in the same year.

The objective of the PMGSY programme is to provide connectivity by way of an all weather road to the unconnected habitation in rural areas in such a way that habitations of 1000 and + could to be covered in 3 years (upto 2002-2003) and all unconnected habitations having population of 500 and + (and hilly and tribal areas 250 and + by the end of 10th Five year plan. Under Bharat Nirman launched in the country in the year 2005 Government of India has expressed a strong commitment to develop rural areas by increasing the growth potential through strengthening rural infrastructure. This programme has six components including that of rural connectivity. As per Bharat Nirman goals, all habitations with population of more than 500 and + are to be connected by March 2009. In J&K, there are 1643 such habitations (740 habitations with 1000 plus population and 903 habitations with population 500-999). This would require construction of 989 roads with an aggregate length of 5800 Kms, costing Rs 4000 crores.